There are lots of great async tips out there, here a random few that I've collected over the past couple of years that I haven't seen much written about. Use Discards with Task.Run for Fire…
Stuart Lang
A collection of 24 posts
BigInteger to String in Any Base with F#
In this post I share a snippet of code to print a .NET BigInteger to a string in any base, not just the usual binary, decimal and hex, and explore some of F# along the way.
How to dotnet build and Target net4x on macOS
UPDATE: These methods are no longer required. There is a better way I've written about here: [] In a previous post [], I made a recommendation of additionally…
Displaying Images in iTerm from .NET Console Apps
Now that dotnet global tools are a thing, we are seeing an explosion of cool new cross platform command line apps being built with dotnet. A recent example of this is Giphy CLI [], this is…
.NET Framework Support for .NET Standard 2.0
When .NET Standard 2.0 was introduced, it wasn't plain sailing. .NET Standard 1.5 and 1.6 were already a thing, and they included APIs from .NET Frameworks higher than .NET Framework 4.6.1. Since .NET…