.NET Core 3 Local Tools

A look at the .NET Core Local Tools introduced in 3.0, contrasting the new way with the old way of dealing with locally installed tools.

.NET Framework Reference Assemblies via NuGet

In a previous post [https://stu.dev/how-to-target-net4x-on-macos/] I showed how to build for net4x on macOS, and it turns out you have everything you need to do it with the .NET Core SDK, except for the Reference Assemblies, and…

Testing with HttpClient Interception

In my last post [https://stu.dev/generating-typed-client-for-httpclientfactory-with-nswag/] I showed how to automatically generate a typed client for use with HttpClientFactory from a swagger file. Now I want to make changes to the client's behaviour and need unit…