Make Your Xamarin Forms Apps VoiceOver Friendly using Accessibility Traits
Stuart Lang
A collection of 24 posts
A Look at JsonDocument and System.Text.Json
Today I was writing a tool that needed to handle JSON, the content was relatively large and I only needed to pick out a few parts of the structure, and thought to myself this would be the perfect time to…
.NET Framework Reference Assemblies via NuGet
In a previous post [] I showed how to build for net4x on macOS, and it turns out you have everything you need to do it with the .NET Core SDK, except for the Reference Assemblies, and…
Testing with HttpClient Interception
In my last post [] I showed how to automatically generate a typed client for use with HttpClientFactory from a swagger file. Now I want to make changes to the client's behaviour and need unit…
Generating a Typed Client for use with HttpClientFactory using NSwag
If you're a .NET developer building web apps or microservices, odds are at some point you're going to want to call an HTTP API from an ASP.NET Core app. This post covers how to create…